Yong Lee Design Centre Showroom (2003)
Yong Lee specializes in the export of textiles. The showroom, located on the uppermost level of the building, displays the company’s extensive collection of fabrics for home furnishings. As one arrives at the showroom on the 7th storey, one journeys through a transitory passageway that is finished in a composition of pebbles and timber in rectangular glass boxes laid out on surface of the floor. The different zones of the showroom are subtly demarcated in clear glass. The glass allows visual continuity though the space while it acts as a constant reminder of one’s relationship with the exhibits within it. The flooring is finished in cement screed, and details are kept as simple as possible. Partitions and display cabinets are finished in simple white plaster, and “floating” details are incorporated to give a sense of lightness.

Photos © John Heng